Just a few hundred blocks away from the halving, the term ‘Bitcoin halving’ reaches its all-time high in Google search volume.
Driven by the approach of the event, Google searches related to the Bitcoin halving have reached an all-time high. The fourth halving, which will occur at block number 840,000, will reduce rewards for miners from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC. Based on current estimates, the halving is expected to take place in the early hours of April 20.
According to Google Trends data, searches for the term “Bitcoin halving” have already reached a score of 46, surpassing the result from 2020, with the potential to reach a maximum score of 100 over the course of the month. The countries showing the highest interest in the event are Nigeria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Cyprus, and Slovenia.

Bitcoin began the year at a price of $42,200, recording a 74% increase, reaching a new high of $73,750 on March 13. After the peak, the price showed a decline, falling to $61,078, a 17% decrease from its peak.
Afterwards to the halving of the monetary supply, several industry analysts have noted that previously, the price of Bitcoin showed growth in the months following the halving.