Telegram updates its privacy terms to share user data with authorities in case of valid legal requests.
Telegram has updated its terms of service to include the sharing of IP addresses and phone numbers of users with authorities following valid legal requests. This decision was announced by CEO Pavel Durov in a recent statement, where the founder emphasized that Telegram will only comply with valid legal requests, specifically in cases of potential criminal conduct. Previously, Telegram had committed to disclosing users’ phone numbers and IP addresses only if a court order confirmed that the user was suspected of terrorism.
In 2018, the Russian government attempted to block Telegram but removed the ban two years later, stating that Durov would help fight extremism. Currently, Telegram is also at the center of controversy in Ukraine, where the government has banned the app from official tools used by government and military personnel, due to security concerns and its use by Russia for cyber attacks and phishing.
The platform is now working to actively block the ability to search for illegal goods and activities through the search function. In the statement, Telegram declared that it has never provided messaging data to any country, including Russia.